Coursework Assistance
Precision’s academic consultants can assist with a wide variety of coursework tasks for university learners at all levels. This includes undergraduates as well as master’s and doctoral candidates in any academic field. Our experts can tailor their support to meet your individual needs, assisting as minimally or extensively as you would like. Our support may be focused on individual projects or assignments, or we can provide comprehensive assistance with requirements for full courses.
Pre-Thesis or Pre-Dissertation Coursework Assistance
To prepare master’s and doctoral candidates for their theses or dissertations, most universities require 1-3 years of pre-thesis or pre-dissertation coursework. As with any other coursework, this includes a combination of assignments, papers, quizzes, and exams. Because a specific aim of this coursework is to prepare master’s and doctoral candidates for what is most likely their first independent research project—the thesis or dissertation—pre-thesis and pre-dissertation coursework also typically includes a variety of methods and statistics courses. Courses in core subject areas may also require research papers that build literature review skills and begin the process of developing what will eventually become the research topic for the thesis or dissertation.
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In addition to providing comprehensive assistance to master’s and doctoral candidates throughout the thesis or dissertation process, Precision Consulting also provides coursework assistance to master’s and doctoral candidates in all fields of academic research. We have a diverse expertise in terms of academic disciplines, topic areas, and methods, which allows us to provide individualized support to master’s and doctoral candidates from the very beginnings of their programs. Whether you need help to get over specific hurdles, such as course papers or statistics assignments, or need ongoing support to meet weekly or more frequent deadlines in your courses, Precision can provide tailored assistance to meet your needs, even on tight timelines.
Having Precision as your teammate ensures that you make swift progress through your pre-thesis or pre-dissertation coursework, and it also provides us the opportunity to develop familiarity with your research interests and program requirements. The nature of this partnership facilitates a seamless transition across the different phases of your master’s or doctoral journey—from coursework through comprehensive exams, all the way through topic development and completion of your master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation. We often provide assistance to master’s and doctoral candidates for the following types of pre-thesis or pre-dissertation coursework:
Core courses: These courses introduce you to the key theories and conceptual models that are used as logical foundations in your field of research. Core courses also provide you with grounding in the seminal research in your field, as well as acquainting you with important recent research that guides evidence-based practice in your field. Master’s and doctoral candidates often complete in-depth literature search and review projects in core courses, developing competencies including: writing annotated bibliographies; synthesizing and critically analyzing the literature; identifying and substantiating research gaps; and writing and formatting to meet APA style and broader scholarly standards. Our academic consultants are experts with these foundational components of research manuscript development and can assist with all aspects of your core courses.
Methods Courses
Quantitative methods and statistics: Courses in quantitative methods introduce you to research designs that are commonly used in dissertation research, such as correlational and causal comparative designs. Applied research programs may also cover intervention or quasi-experimental research designs. Additionally, these courses cover univariate and multivariate statistical analysis approaches that align with different quantitative research designs. Our quantitative methodologists and statisticians have the expertise to support you through each step of these particularly challenging essential courses.
Qualitative methods: These courses acquaint you with the applications of qualitative methods and cover the common research designs used for theses or dissertations, such as case study, phenomenology, and descriptive designs. Courses in qualitative methods also go over purposive sampling, interview protocol development, techniques for conducting interviews, and the role of the researcher. Basic analysis approaches such as thematic analysis and content analysis are often covered. Our qualitative methodologists and analysts are experts who can assist with every phase of your qualitative research coursework, from development of methodologies to execution of qualitative analysis using software such as NVivo or MAXQDA.

Survey methods: Courses in survey methods focus specifically on procedures for developing quantitative survey instruments. A primary aspect of a survey methods course is the development of items as well as testing for reliability and validity. Our quantitative methodologists and statisticians are experts who can assist with any steps of survey development that may be required for your course. This includes the earliest steps of developing initial items all the way through checking for different types of validity, such as discriminant, convergent, or concurrent validity. This also includes assessing reliability of your survey, including split-half, Cronbach’s alpha, or test-retest reliability.
Experimental methods: Courses in experimental methods provide in-depth instruction on the applications and underlying logic of this quantitative research design, which is uniquely structured to demonstrate causal effects between variables. These courses cover essential concepts such as temporal precedence, manipulation, control, random selection, and random assignment. Our quantitative methodologists are experts with experimental methods and can assist you with all aspects of study design for this powerful approach.
General Coursework Assistance
Precision’s academic consultants can assist with the full spectrum of course requirements at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Whether you need focused assistance related to specific course tasks or comprehensive support to ensure you pass your course, our experts and tutors are here for you. Some of the most common areas of support are:
Course papers: From short essays to lengthy research papers, our academic consultants can provide you with high-quality work to meet the most stringent standards. We are well versed with social sciences research ranging across fields such as business, education, psychology, and counseling. Our academic consultants also have expertise in “hard sciences” fields such as engineering and physics, as well as with the humanities (e.g., history, literature, philosophy). Our assistance includes retrieving key source materials for course papers, drafting submissions to meet project requirements, and formatting to any style required, including APA, Chicago, Turabian, MLA, Harvard, or IEEE.
Course assignments: Our academic experts can also step in to assist with specific course assignments as you might need—just share your assignment instructions and we’ll take it from there. Our statisticians often lend a helping hand on assignments in those tough statistics classes, making sure that you make it through these required courses successfully. We can also provide top-notch assistance with a variety of other course assignments, such as short research projects, business analysis exercises, and short answer assignments.
Discussion posts: For online learners in particular, weekly discussion posts have become a common course requirement. Discussion posts are also a requirement that busy working adults often find challenging to fit into their schedules consistently. We can take this task off your hands to ensure that you keep up on course requirements. Using your course materials and instructions, we can help you develop posts that speak to key course concepts in a clear and insightful manner.
Quizzes and exams: Our academic consultants can offer you support in a variety of forms to make sure you pass your quizzes and exams. Whether you need support with routine quizzes, midterms, or final exams, our experts can help. As you prefer, this may include in-depth tutoring via video sessions, development of study guides, or practice sessions via video to address likely test questions.