Dissertation Help

For more than a decade, Precision Consulting has been the premier, full-service academic consulting firm for master’s and doctoral candidates completing thesis, dissertation, capstone, and project study research. Over the years, we’ve refined and expanded our dissertation and thesis help services to provide the most comprehensive support available throughout the research process. Our team of dedicated academic consultants, statisticians, qualitative research experts, and analysts can offer you whatever support you might require to ensure you receive approval faster from your chair and university reviewers throughout your graduate research journey.

Dissertation Help – Precision Consulting

Comprehensive support with qualitative research
Expertise with the requirements of all major online universities
Revisions and assistance until approval
Unlike other dissertation consulting firms, which tend to focus on targeted assistance for one aspect of academic research or dissertation assistance–whether that’s statistical analysis or dissertation editing–at Precision, we can help you from the earliest stages of identifying and developing your topic, and continue to help you with your dissertation as you develop your full study. Unlike independent dissertation consultants or editing services, we can help you identify recent studies to support your research gap for your literature review, finalize a compelling research design, and assist you with your analysis to ensure you have robust results to your research questions. Then, once your dissertation or thesis writing is complete, we remain with you to ensure that your work is clear, concise, and follows all style and formatting guidelines, before helping you prepare for a smooth final defense.

Our academic consulting is truly client-focused and based on each researcher’s goals for his or her study. This personalized approach to dissertation assistance guarantees that you’ll have one individual working with you throughout the process, so that you can feel confident that our assistance will be tailored to your specific needs and preferences at every stage. Here are some typical questions we ask new clients in order to provide a detailed individual plan and quote:

Dissertation Help – Alignment

What is your field of study, and have you selected a topic?

At Precision, we’ve worked with doctoral candidates and academic researchers in almost every subject, from marketing analytics, to alternative pharmacology, to parental involvement, which means we can guarantee your work will be reviewed by someone knowledgeable in your topic. That being said, for over a decade, we have developed a particular expertise in four core research areas. Please click on your topic below for a more detailed discussion:
  • Psychology and Counseling
    Psychology is one of our four core research areas, and we have a wealth of experience and insight to share with both graduate and professional researchers in psychology. In our work alongside psychological researchers, we have assisted at all stages of research projects that have examined a broad spectrum of populations and variables, using quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches. Our expertise in both qualitative and quantitative methods also makes us valuable partners in instrument development projects–from the qualitative exploratory phase of initial construct and item development through statistical evaluation of reliability and validity of the resulting instrument. 

    Because the subject matter of psychological research–human cognition, emotion, and behavior–is foundational to the ways that we all live and work, the applications of psychology are incredibly varied in both research and applied/practitioner contexts. We have worked with clients who are pursuing graduate degrees in psychology to support a variety of career directions, and the most common fields of psychology among our clients are clinical psychology or counseling, social psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, developmental psychology, and community psychology. 

    Clinical Psychology/Counseling

    For those who are interested in the provision of direct therapeutic assistance to others, a clinical psychology or counseling degree is the appropriate pathway. Clinical psychology is concerned with therapeutic practices that can assist individuals to resolve or mitigate any of a number of psychological challenges associated with adjustment issues, disability, or psychological disorder. Key components of clinical psychology or counseling are completing assessments, providing therapies or interventions, and providing consultation with other health professionals. 

    Graduate research in clinical psychology and counseling may focus on a variety of topics related to psychological functioning and treatment, using multiple methodological approaches. For example, we have assisted clients with dissertations on the following topics:
    • Qualitative exploration of post-traumatic growth related to participation in eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy among women who have experienced intimate partner violence
    • Phenomenological exploration of patients’ experiences of betrayal trauma and development of alcohol addiction
    • Quantitative examination of mindfulness meditation for reduction of stress and anxiety in veterans
    • Qualitative descriptive study of therapists’ experiences developing a therapeutic alliance with patients with bipolar disorder
    • Quantitative investigation of the relationship between family support and occupational functioning in persons with schizophrenia
    Industrial and Organizational Psychology

    Industrial and organizational psychology, also referred to as I/O psychology, is concerned with psychological phenomena in organizations and the workplace. Researchers examine processes and variables associated with recruitment, selection, training, motivation, performance, and satisfaction. I/O researchers are also concerned with organizational culture, leadership, and work structure as it influences employee and work group experiences and outcomes.

    Research in I/O psychology often utilizes methods that can capture the complexity of interpersonal and group processes as they affect the variety of outcomes of concern within organizations. For this reason, it is common for researchers to conduct quantitative investigations that require use of advanced statistical analysis techniques such as structural equation modeling (SEM). Because the workplace is so complex, it is common for a single study to involve examination of the relationships between several variables, with attention to potential mediator and/or moderator variables. Qualitative approaches can also be useful in capturing the complexity in organizations. In particular, the qualitative case study aligns well with studies of the workplace, as this approach allows for exploration of complex processes as they naturally occur in “bounded groups” (i.e., specific work settings) using multiple forms of data.

    The applications of an I/O psychology degree are quite varied. A solid understanding of this branch of psychology equips a person to work in leadership, management, and human resources capacities in a variety of fields and industries. In addition to working as researchers and professors, I/O psychologists may also apply their educational backgrounds in areas such as human resources, management, and organizational consulting. Graduate research topics reflect this breadth of application, and we have assisted clients with dissertations on the following:
    • Qualitative case study on communication and conflict in the context of group problem-solving in small organizations
    • Quantitative examination of the mediating influence of organizational justice in the relationship between leadership style and organizational citizenship behaviors
    • Qualitative case study exploration of stress, burnout, and employer-provided coping programs among paramedics
    • Quantitative investigation of work group diversity, employee autonomy, and innovation
    • Qualitative phenomenological exploration of women’s experiences of mentoring and leadership attainment in male-dominated industries

    Social Psychology

    For those who are interested in how people’s psychological processes (i.e., thought, emotion, behavior) are affected by others, social psychology is the branch of choice. Social psychology is concerned with not only how direct contact with other people affects our psychological functioning but also how the “imagined presence” of others affects us. For example, social norms and group cultures are ways that people influence other people’s psychological functioning without necessarily being physically present.

    Social psychology research utilizes a range of methodological approaches. Because human behavior is so easily influenced by context, social psychological research often uses quantitative methods that can determine how various factors interact to produce different behaviors. Interpretive approaches such as phenomenology and ethnography are also useful in exploring how individuals perceive and make sense of their experiences in different social and cultural contexts. Drawing upon our expertise in both qualitative and quantitative methods, we have assisted doctoral candidates with dissertations on topics such as the following:
    • Quantitative examination of age-related stereotyping among young adults with social networks of varied diversity
    • Qualitative exploration of meanings of violence in popular culture as interpreted by adolescent males
    • Mixed methods investigation of perceptions of in-group versus out-group bias and bullying behavior among graduate students 
    • Qualitative content analysis of persuasive techniques used in online recruitment communications related to hate groups
    • Quantitative examination of church membership, social identification, and psychological well being in retired adults 

    Human Development/Developmental Psychology

    Developmental psychology is concerned with the various factors that shape and influence how a person grows and changes over the full life span. This branch of psychology was formerly focused primarily on infants and children, but it has expanded in scope in acknowledgment of the fact that humans change continually throughout our lives. Developmental psychology considers both innate (i.e., “nature”) influences on thought, emotion, and behavior as well as those that are external (i.e., “nurture”) to the person. 

    As developmental psychology is particularly focused on how people change over time, quantitative longitudinal studies are especially useful in this branch of psychology. However, a range of quantitative and qualitative approaches may be used to explore topics in developmental psychology. Some of the dissertation topics we have assisted clients with include:
    • Quantitative longitudinal examination of special education students’ emotion regulation and academic progress from elementary to middle school
    • Qualitative descriptive exploration of married couples’ perceptions of attachment style and marital conflict
    • Quantitative investigation of math intervention effects on achievement among low-SES, urban high school students
    • Quantitative examination of resilience in adolescents who have experienced multiple foster care placements
    • Qualitative exploration of social adjustment and well being among young adults following transition from high school to college

    Community Psychology

    Community psychology expands beyond the focus on individuals to consider how the broader social, cultural, environmental, economic, and political contexts create conditions that affect an individual’s psychological functioning and outcomes. This branch of psychology emerged during the civil rights era and is reflective of the growing recognition that individuals are often affected by conditions that are beyond their immediate control. Therefore, psychological interventions should not only target the individual but also their contexts, with ultimate aims of promoting wellness and empowerment.

    Because empowerment is central to the aims of community psychologists, researchers in this branch of psychology often use qualitative approaches that privilege the viewpoints and interpretations of participants on their own lives and experiences. For example, narrative inquiry, phenomenology, and interpretative phenomenology are useful research designs for understanding the perspectives of participants. Participatory action research may also be used to ensure that individuals in the population of interest are collaborating partners rather than just subjects in research. Program evaluations are another common approach in community psychology, and these often use mixed methods approaches. We have assisted clients with doctoral research in community psychology on the following topics:
    • Qualitative ethnographic exploration of African American adolescents’ experiences of exclusionary discipline in high school
    • Qualitative phenomenological exploration of marginalization and empowerment experiences of formerly incarcerated adults as they re-entered the workplace
    • Mixed methods program evaluation of an information-based health and wellness program for low-SES Latinx and African American adults 
    • Participatory action research on social supports that facilitate housing stability in individuals who have experienced homelessness
    • Qualitative interpretative phenomenological exploration of drug addiction recovery experiences of individuals living in high-crime neighborhoods
  • Economics, Finance, and Econometrics
    Another key area of expertise at Precision is research on topics relevant to economics and finance. Economics is a social science that is concerned with human behavior with regard to value or wealth. This includes concern with production, distribution, and transfer of wealth. Our expertise in economics extends throughout both microeconomics (i.e., interactions between individual agents and the market) and macroeconomics (i.e., analysis of the economy as a system) concepts and topics.

    Although the study of economics may be applied within various arenas of human activity in society, finance is a subset of economics that is a particularly common focus among our clients. The study of finance is concerned with the management of money, credit, banking, and investment, with areas of focus such as personal finance, corporate finance, and public finance.

    We have assisted our clients in economics and finance on a broad array of topics with various methodologies. Econometrics, in particular, is an area of expertise at Precision that plays a large role in our assistance to clients who are obtaining degrees in economics or finance. Econometrics applies economic theory and statistical analysis to answer research questions on the relationships between variables of interest in economics research. Some examples of research topics we have assisted with include:

    • Corporate social responsibility and investment strategies
    • Determinants of small business success in emerging economies
    • Socioeconomic inequality and access to healthcare in the United States
    • Gender and unemployment in the context of recession
    Another area of research we frequently assist clients with involves finance and assessing the risk of investing in a certain firm. A seminal work that we often apply as a theoretical basis is the Fama and French three factors which posit that the risk of investing in a firm can be calculated from the following measures: market capitalization, book-to-market ratio, and the traditional Sharpe’s risk ratio.
  • Religious and Seminary Studies
    Despite our background in statistics, Precision has extensive experience with assisting clients pursuing religious and seminary studies. One of the most common degrees sought by individuals who wish to pursue faith-based studies at the graduate level is the Doctor of Ministry (DMin), which is a doctorate degree that is appropriate for those who are aiming to apply their skills in a ministry setting. To prepare DMin candidates for positions of leadership, DMin programs require intense study in areas such as critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, spiritual formation, and Biblical exegesis.

    DMin dissertation often involves some sort of intervention or implementation phase in which the doctoral candidate offers some sort of training (often with a spiritual or Biblical foundation) the purpose of which is to produce a measurable positive change in participants’ ministry efforts. Frequent outcomes include scores on validated measures such as servant and transformational leadership whilst other studies might be more focused on less quantitative outcomes such as interpretation of the Bible or providing pastoral care.

    Additionally, individuals seeking to elevate their faith-based credentials may pursue Doctor of Divinity (DDiv) or Doctor of Theology (ThD) degrees. Although the DDiv degree may often be an honorary degree bestowed upon persons with exemplary histories of pastoral leadership and academic credentials, rigorous degree programs may also be pursued to obtain this degree. While the DMin and DDiv are both practice-focused degrees for individuals who aspire to elevate their ministry capacities by deepening their academic and theological knowledge, the ThD is a research-focused degree that also equips the individual to teach within theological programs or to advance in the hierarchy of certain Christian denominations.

    Research and Writing Individuals who are pursuing DMin, DDiv, or ThD degrees are required to complete intensive research and writing projects to demonstrate mastery of key theological and academic concepts. Precision’s team has expertise in a wide variety of relevant concepts that stem from a diverse range of denominations and prominent theologians. For example, we have expertise in various theologies and denominations. The majority of our projects involve the following traditions:

    • Protestantism (including, but not limited to, Reformed, Lutheran, Anglican, Wesleyan, Evangelical, and Pentecostal)
    • Roman Catholicism
    • Eastern Orthodoxy
    • Oriental Orthodoxy
    In addition to our vast understanding of specific denominations, we are also intimately familiar with a number of common research areas within religious and seminary studies. Below is just an overview.

    Christology: The study of the nature of Jesus Christ. This area of research has its origins in the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea which the Church Fathers agreed upon the dual nature of Christ (i.e., fully man and fully divine) thus rejecting Arianism.

    Pneumatology: Much literature and research is dedicated to the first two persons of the Trinity. Pneumatology focuses on the nature and role of the third person of the Trinity (i.e., the Holy Spirit). Common Biblical texts that are cited in pneumatological studies involve Pentecost and the conception of Jesus.

    Eschatology: The study of the end times and the nature of God’s judgement. Research into this area of study often involves examination of the Book of Revelation but parallels in Old Testament prophecies are also drawn and examined.

    Soteriology: The study of salvation. Within Christendom there are a number of views on the nature of salvation. Some theologians maintain that Jesus’ death on the cross is the singular moment which caused humanity’s salvation. Other theologians (especially from an Orthodox perspective) maintain that salvation cannot be pinpointed to a single moment in Christ’s life but rather our salvation is a result of Jesus’ life as a whole. Other viewpoints include the notions of predestination and grace versus work-based salvation.

    The above are just some very common areas of research with which we have assisted our clients. Even if your research areas are not quite within the above list, then do not hesitate to reach out to us nevertheless as we have likely worked on a similar project!
  • Nursing and Public Health
    Another core area of research at Precision concerns the health, safety, and well being of individuals. We work frequently with clients who are conducting research in nursing, which is concerned with the direct provision of care and treatment to patients in clinical settings. We also work often with clients who are studying within the field of public health, which is concerned with the promotion of health and safety on a community or population level. 

     Nursing Research

    Although we work with clients at all levels of their nursing studies, we most often work with individuals who are working on either a PhD in nursing or a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP). The DNP is a popular degree path among nurses, as it provides rigorous advanced nursing education that culminates with a research project that is centered on outcomes related to clinical practice. This degree is appropriate for those who wish to continue their career advancement in clinical work settings. 

    On the other hand, a PhD in nursing is the pathway of choice for nurses who wish to move into a research-based position and/or nursing education. Both the DNP and PhD are terminal degrees, and both require completion of original research projects. However, possible research topics will differ based on the degree. We assisted clients with the following dissertation topics in nursing, and notice how the DNP topics focus specifically on outcomes in an applied setting while the PhD topics focus on more general research or education.
    • DNP topic: Effects of an intervention to improve patient literacy regarding lifestyle choices and heart disease
    • DNP topic: Quasi-experimental assessment of staff education program related to metabolic syndrome and diabetes
    • PhD topic: Qualitative case study on the role of nurse educators in developing a culture of civility and respect among nursing students
    • PhD topic: Quantitative examination of factors related to caregiver burnout in long-term care facilities
    Public Health Research

    As are nursing researchers, public health researchers are concerned with promoting the health and safety of others and identifying factors that advance or impede this general aim. Public health researchers, however, situate their research beyond the clinical healthcare setting, examining broad factors that may affect whole groups of people. For example, public health researchers may examine factors such as law, policy, local or regional conditions, or culture as it relates to health/safety variables or outcomes.

    Most of our clients in public health are pursuing Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) degrees, and the vast majority utilize a quantitative research approach to answer their research questions. Because public health is concerned with populations (e.g., a local neighborhood, a region, a grouping of people), most of our clients are interested in research that can yield generalizable results. However, qualitative or mixed methods approaches are at times aligned with public health research aims that require an exploratory element. We have assisted our clients with dissertations in public health on topics like the following:
    • Quantitative examination of PTSD prevalence, risk factors, and treatments within residential facilities for children and youths with disabilities in a rural region of a state in the Southwestern U.S.
    • Quantitative investigation of opioid abuse indicators before and after marijuana legalization in a Western state
    • Mixed methods case study of a peer-led school intervention to prevent tobacco or e-cigarette use among high school students
    • Quantitative examination of sleep quality and quantity as it relates to accidents and injuries in manufacturing facilities 
  • Education
    Education research is another of our core research areas, and our expertise spans the range of methods and topics that inform practice in our education system today. Because our clients in education research programs typically have a wealth of field experience, we often have the opportunity to partner with clients in developing research projects that draw from their own experiences and therefore make contributions to research and practice that are very timely and relevant.

    Our breadth of experience with education research makes us valuable partners at any stage of graduate or professional research, and we can offer our expertise on projects related to all levels (i.e., elementary, middle, or high school) of K-12 education, special education, instructional design, and educational leadership. 

    K-12 Education

    Our clients who are working in K-12 education typically pursue research topics that have particular relevance to the level of students they currently teach. Dissertation topics may focus on areas such as student learning and achievement, schoolwide programs, or general school conditions. Research topics may also touch upon conditions that affect teachers in a variety of areas, such as teaching efficacy, job factors/workload, and retention. 

    Our expertise with quantitative methods and statistical analysis is often useful for clients conducting K-12 educational research, as many doctoral candidates are interested in measurable student outcomes in relation to various interventions or instructional conditions. However, qualitative methods can also be useful in exploring perspectives related to K-12 education. We have assisted clients with K-12 education doctoral research projects on topics such as:
    • Quantitative examination of engagement and performance in STEM classes among middle and high school girls
    • Qualitative case study on a middle school schoolwide bullying education and prevention program
    • Quantitative investigation of parental involvement and academic achievement in students required to repeat a grade in elementary schoolQualitative phenomenological exploration of novice teachers’ lived experiences with classroom management
    • Quantitative examination of teacher characteristics, self-efficacy, and student engagement in urban high schools
    Special Education

    Special education teachers are those who work with students who experience disabilities that cause them to require specialized support in the school environment. This includes students with conditions such as intellectual disability, deafness, emotional disturbance, dyslexia, or autism. Special education students may learn in general classroom settings or in self-contained classrooms, depending upon their learning needs. We have assisted clients with dissertation topics in special education including:
    • Qualitative case study on use of visual communication systems to support high school students with autism with classroom tasks and routines
    • Quantitative quasi-experimental evaluation of a video-based instructional program in math for students with intellectual disabilities
    • Qualitative descriptive exploration of special education teachers’ preferred methods of coping to prevent burnout
    • Quantitative investigation of teacher qualifications and student performance in self-contained special education classrooms
    • Quantitative examination of a social skills training program for high school students with severe disabilities
    Instructional Design

    A particular area of focus within education research is instructional design, which refers to the development of materials and strategies for instruction of specific groups of students. Research in instructional design may be concerned with optimal teaching and learning approaches across different subjects, for different levels of learners, or across different modalities. The role of technologies in learning occupies a prominent place in instructional design research, as options such as blended or fully online learning become more prevalent. 

    Dissertation research topics in instructional design are varied and use both quantitative and qualitative methods. We have assisted clients with topics such as the following:
    • Quantitative investigation of technology-assisted learning for students with learning disabilities
    • Quantitative quasi-experimental evaluation of blended versus face-to-face learning outcomes for community college psychology students
    • Quantitative examination of student characteristics related to academic performance in online versus face-to-face college courses
    • Qualitative case study of a problem-based learning approach for a high school persuasive writing project
    • Qualitative case study exploration of student perceptions of instructor and peer interaction in an online college course and engagement with course material
    Educational Leadership

    For individuals who are pursuing graduate degrees to further their advancement to positions of leadership in schools, school districts, or higher education institutions, the educational leadership focus is an ideal choice. Research in educational leadership contributes to policy and practice in ways that are relevant to the successful management of teachers and oversight of educational institutions. We have assisted doctoral candidates in educational leadership with dissertation topics such as:
    • Quantitative examination of principal leadership style in relation to teacher performance, teacher retention, and student performance
    • Qualitative case study of teachers’ perceptions of benefits and barriers to implementation of new school wide multi-tiered system of supports
    • Qualitative phenomenological exploration of mentoring experiences among African American leaders in college and university settings
    • Quantitative investigation of factors associated with burnout and attrition in both novice and experienced middle school teachers
    • Qualitative descriptive study of teachers’ experiences with effective and ineffective principal leadership 
  • Business, Management, and Leadership
    While we assist with business and leadership research across a broad range of specific disciplines, the two primary areas of focus for dissertation researchers have been entrepreneurship and small business success in new areas and the implementation and assessment of leadership styles among various industries and levels of management. We also often provide dissertation help for candidates exploring emerging markets, digital marketing strategies, and millennial employees, within both PhD and DBA programs, as well as providing statistical consulting for risk management and operational effectiveness studies. Some of the topics that we’ve helped research in recent years include:
    • Cross-national comparison of millennial employee engagement
    • The relationship between operational effectiveness and leadership styles
    • Cybersecurity and transnational corporate partnershipsCorporate responsibility marketing campaigns and improved profitability
    • Project management metrics for large-scale construction
    • Accounting fraud and government responses in emerging markets
    • Tourism and consumer loyalty in developing countries
  • Africana Studies
    The inclusion of African intellectuals, scientists, activists, and leaders who have made significant contributions, is a relatively new addition to academia. Through social reform, perseverance and time, African voices who were relatively unknown with their achievements being understated for a significant portion of the 21st century are getting more of the acknowledgment that they deserve. Since we work with clients internationally and often partner with researchers at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), at Precision, we know that the HBCU fight for educational equality is one side of the coin of acknowledgment sought by those of African descent throughout the United States and around the world.

    At Precision, we are honored to help graduate researchers of all backgrounds who are looking to understand complex relationships between different ethnic groups existing inside relatively new European-made borders on the African continent. We also work hand-in-hand with researchers examining the lingering psychological and social implications that exist for those of the African diaspora in the United States. Often, this research has applications to the fields of social justice and gender equality.

    Social Justice:

    The concept of social justice can be much more than merely an academic concept as African Americans and those of African descent around the world work to achieve Na’im Akbar’s dream of “breaking the chains of psychological slavery”. Part of the path to psychological healing is by honoring and better understanding the literary and social impact of authors like Wole Soyinka, Alain Mabanckou, and Chinua Achebe. By shining a light on the realities of social mores, social perceptions of Africana, and day-to-day interactions, whether satirically or with candor, key discussions about economic, political and social equality for those of African descent can be established.

    Even though colleges and universities no longer limit or bar access to enrollment on the basis of race or ethnicity, there are other barriers to entry for many students of African descent. Obstacles to receiving a higher education are especially pronounced for first-generation college students from low-income families. HBCUs continue to represent an important avenue of higher education for hundreds of thousands of students across the United States in spite of the social progress that has been made since the 60’s. There is still ground to cover in order to achieve educational equality, and HBCUs, when compared with PWIs, have higher graduation rates for low-income African American students. Some HBCUs, like Howard, even boast significantly higher retention rates than the national average.

    Social justice in the field of Africana Studies helps to tell the story of perseverance through segregation, discrimination, and blatant violence in order to overcome prejudice. The HBCU’s that we partner with understand that social justice is an integral part of the African American struggle to first, be seen as humans with rights and then to be seen as equal citizens rather than as expendable, marginalized, second-class citizens. To this day, HCBUs are a core part of the fight to elevate quality education for African Americans by refusing to accept a forced ignorance stemming out of educational inequity. For example, Howard University’s Center on Race and Wealth focuses on research and policy related to racial disparities in areas including wealth accumulation, poverty, and law enforcement. Morehouse College’s School of Medicine has worked to address racial health disparities through ongoing research and policy recommendations. Xavier University of Louisiana’s Division of Education and Counseling has committed to improving outcomes of diverse learners through its program of research, which attends to the role of race, ethnicity, poverty, gender, and disability in academic achievement.

    HBCUs continue to provide an excellent platform for expanding the possibilities and nurturing the potential of African American students in an environment that naturally applies a culturally relevant pedagogy.

    Gender Equality:

    Gender equality in Africana Studies often intertwines with concepts of social justice, but is such an important field of study that it stands on its own merits. At Precision, we often participate in research that focuses on gender equality. The use of theories such as Feminist Standpoint Theory and research designs such as phenomenology align well with this type of research.

    We’re proud to assist with studies highlighting African contributions to STEM and women’s rights by partnering with researchers building studies that are only possible thanks to the efforts and accomplishments of people like Dr. Wangari Muta Maathai, the first female professor in Kenya as well as the first African female Nobel Peace Prize winner and Dr. Margaret Mungherera who was the first female president of the World Medical Association. The diversity of experience across the continent of Africa is reflected in the broad scope of research and innovation seen from one country to the next. All of these accomplishments provide a foundation for researchers around the world to continue uncovering new paradigms and understandings for what concepts like social justice and gender equality, and at Precision we believe that they must not be overlooked.

    Social Justice and Gender equality often affect public policy. Research in Africana Studies plays a vital role in working to empower and improve the lives of African descendants from one generation to the next. Precision is honored to assist graduate researchers at HBCUs and other institutions with such impactful research by examining core issues through both qualitative and quantitative lenses. Since we are well versed with the types of methodologies, constructs, and theories that lend themselves well to Africana Studies based research we often assist with the exploration of the particular viewpoints and interpretations that participants have to share. The qualitative explorations of the experiences of marginalized persons is an important aspect of respecting that these individuals are the experts on their own experiences.

    Although qualitative methods are ideal for capturing the first-hand thoughts, perspectives, and stories of participants, quantitative methods are essential for understanding broader patterns that relate to marginalization or discrimination. For example, we have assisted graduate researchers from HBCUs to develop quantitative investigations of African American student achievement gaps as well as disparities in school discipline that underlie the school-to-prison pipeline. We have also assisted with quantitative examinations of variables related to African American health disparities and disparate treatment within the legal system.

    Within the field of Africana Studies, developing the literature and theoretical context for social justice research also requires an appreciation of key concepts and theories. For example, we often assist graduate researchers at HBCUs to develop theoretical framing for their studies using critical race theory, which emphasizes the systemic nature of racism and the regularity with which African American individuals experience racism and prejudice. Critical race theory contributes key concepts to research on the marginalization of African American citizens, bringing to light the adverse cumulative effects of racial microaggressions and the importance of counter-stories to challenge cultural narratives that reflect white privilege.

    Along with critical race theory, there are concepts espoused by lecturers like Chloé Valdary we have assisted graduate researchers at HBCUs with developing theoretical frameworks using theories such as fundamental cause theory and feminist standpoint theory. Both theories help to provide an aligned and meaningful theoretical context for social justice research on various topics. Fundamental cause theory is a useful framework for the examination of poverty in relation to health disparities, and the key proposition is that poverty itself is the fundamental cause of disparate outcomes.

    Feminist standpoint theory is another useful framework for social justice research, as it positions the participants as the ultimate experts on their own lives, acknowledging that one’s perspectives derive from one’s own particular experiences. Having lived with comparative privilege, the powerful may not necessarily relate to the perspectives of those who have lived through marginalization. Hence, feminist standpoint theorists contend that we must recognize the authority of participants to speak about and interpret their lives when endeavoring to understand their lived realities.

    Our assistance to graduate researchers attending HBCUs has also prominently involved use of constructs such as intersectionality and assets- versus deficits-based thinking, as these concepts are important to consider when conducting research related to social justice. Intersectionality refers to the intersection of individual characteristics (e.g., race, class, gender) that together may create a specific experience of multiple marginalization. For example, we cannot assume that a wealthy Black woman would have the same experiences of discrimination as a Black woman living in poverty. Researchers working within a deficits-based model might examine these two groups of women’s experiences with an inherent assumption that poor Black women experience more challenging conditions as a result of their own failings or shortcomings. Deficits-based thinking is often eschewed in social justice research, as it essentially blames the victims of systemic or institutional injustice.
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Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Dissertation Methods

Precision started out as a statistical analysis firm, and that’s still one of the primary services we offer to academic researchers and corporate clients alike. Since then, we’ve expanded to provide the most comprehensive qualitative research support available, and work regularly with several major research institutions to analyze their qualitative data. Regardless of the scale and complexity of your quantitative or qualitative research–or if you have selected a mixed methods approach–we have a talented team of experts with PhDs across the social sciences, STEM fields, and humanities who can provide comprehensive dissertation assistance to you throughout your doctoral journey.

Are you completing your degree at an online university?

While our academic consultants are experienced in working with brick and mortar institutions as well as online master’s and doctoral programs (in the US and around the world), we have a particular depth of experience providing dissertation assistance to candidates attending the major online universities. We work with more clients from Walden, Grand Canyon University, University of Phoenix, Capella, and Northcentral (among others!) each year, –which means we’re intimately familiar with their rubrics and procedures, from developing the key foundational elements for the initial prospectus, research plan, or concept paper, to the unique review process, checklists, and templates for each university’s full dissertation, project study, or capstone deliverable. We’re also highly familiar with the frequent and ongoing review process at the majority of these programs, and can absolutely draw on our expertise to provide comprehensive dissertation help for even the most demanding chair or university reviewer feedback.

Dissertation Help on a Deadline

Many of our clients, especially doctoral candidates attending programs at the major online universities, come to us with specific deadlines for dissertation editing to be completed before the end of the current term. Others often reach out as the clock winds down on their doctoral journeys and they must complete all remaining steps of their dissertation or thesis writing before a final end date in order to finish their doctoral degree. Still others seek us out for dissertation help at the early stages of their research and drafting so that they have full and ongoing support to stay on target (and on budget!) throughout the process. Whatever your specific deadline–whether it’s two days from now, or two months from now–we can draw on our extensive resources and dedicated staff to ensure your work is completed on time and ready for approval.

Per-project Quotes and Budget for Dissertation Assistance

Our support for you will be very much based on your goals for the research to come, and your priorities for dissertation assistance throughout the process. This is precisely why we develop quotes on a per-project basis, so that we provide you with exactly the level of assistance you need at every step of your journey, and a quote that precisely reflects the scope of work. While others might charge on a per-page or per-hour basis, we find that these models create incentives on the part of other services to spend either a great many pages or a great many hours on a given project, but without the need to be particularly successful in the process.

This is also why we remain with you through any necessary revisions to our dissertation assistance and editing. Unlike smaller and less established dissertation consulting services, we guarantee our work until approval, and include additional support to address feedback in our initial quote. This is because we understand the highly iterative process of dissertation review and approval, particularly at the major online universities, which often involve multiple rounds of feedback at each stage. We’re here as your teammate to help you address any and all feedback–and celebrate your research and graduation once your journey is complete!

In addition to the individualized support and industry-leading expertise outlined above, we also include the following in our promise to you:

  • Guaranteed Fast Approval. For any dissertation help we provide, we guarantee approval by your reviewer or institution, almost always on the first submission. Of course, in the rare case of any revision requests, we work on any requested revisions immediately and without extra cost.
  • Security. We are the industry leader in dissertation consulting and editing services for a reason. As proven academic consultants and dissertation editors for more than a decade, we have thousands of satisfied clients, are a member of the Inc 500 (one of the 500 fastest growing companies in the country), and consequently have top positioning for most dissertation help and dissertation editing terms throughout Google. Your precious work, money, and time are safe with us.
  • Personalized Attention. You will work with one dissertation consultant who will be constantly available to you via phone or email during and after your time working with us. We’re easy to reach, always happy to speak to you, and don’t disappear when the work is done (in case you need us for revisions or after-support).

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In this first video, we’ll talk about a key characteristic of all well-designed research, which is alignment. [does some funny little voice while enunciating the individual syllables of “a-lign-ment” while gesturing in a left-to-right line to set the stage for the visual presentation of alignment that is to come] Whether you are a beginning researcher, conducting your earliest research projects for your master’s or doctoral degrees, or a seasoned researcher conducting studies for publication, achieving alignment in your study is super important. It’s an area that we find our clients need lots of help with when doing their dissertations. So, I’ll be talking with you today about alignment to provide you with a clear and more concrete understanding of what alignment means, as well as with an understanding of how to achieve alignment in your study and why this is so important.Creating alignment is a key part of developing your topic, and if you’re still looking to more fully develop your own topic, we can provide help with your dissertation focus and other elements for you. Check out our video on topic development for more!Alignment is an essential characteristic of a well-designed study, and yet it can be quite difficult to achieve for novice researchers. In fact, we often provide dissertation help to clients who are struggling to align their studies. And, we commonly find that alignment issues are truly the root problem that reviewers often mislabel as editing issues at the dissertation prospectus, concept paper, or proposal stage.So before you focus your efforts on APA editing needlessly, let’s talk first about how to achieve alignment in your study, starting with what alignment means. When your study is appropriately aligned, this means that all of the core pieces of your research plan follow logically from the problem that you have constructed from your review of the research literature. Following your problem statement, you must craft the subsequent pieces of your research plan so that they all match one another in terms of the language that you use to discuss variables or phenomena of interest, and the plans you construct for collecting and analyzing your data. As I mentioned previously, we often find that master’s and doctoral candidates, as novice researchers, need some dissertation help when different pieces of their studies don’t quite fit together as well as they should. When we provide this form of dissertation consulting, here are the areas that we ensure are aligned:The key features of the study that must be aligned are the problem statement, the purpose statement, the research questions, the theoretical framework, the method and design, the data collection and analysis procedures, and the significance of the study.You might visualize these different key pieces of your study as boxcars on a train that must all be linked together for your study to function successfully as a process for gaining new insights or understanding of your topic.If any of these cars are not linked to the car preceding it, then clearly your study will be a nonfunctional collection of segments that don’t work well with one another. In other words, the train falls apart and never gets to its destination! We don’t want that, do we? To clarify how these different segments of your study fit together, let’s move on to discuss each of these in more detail.The problem statement is essentially the centerpiece of your study, or the engine that drives the train forward. Although this statement is usually fairly brief, at about 350 words or so, the information contained within the statement defines the direction the entire study will follow.Your problem statement must define the exact nature of the problem as derived through a thorough review of all current research in the peer-reviewed literature related to your topic. The problem statement must also describe the research gap, which refers to a specific topic that has not been studied sufficiently and requires further examination through research.As an example, your problem statement might revolve around high school students who engage in aggressive behaviors at school in spite of the presence of a schoolwide positive behavior support program. Maybe there have been several quantitative studies that document the overall positive effects of this type of schoolwide program on student challenging behavior, but the researchers who conducted these studies found that in spite of widespread improvements in behavior in response to such programs, many students continue to exhibit aggressive behavior, leaving us to ask: Why is this? Why is it that certain kids keep fighting and yelling at school, even under a behavior support program that has been so helpful to so many other students?The lack of understanding of continued aggressive behavior by some students within schools that use schoolwide positive behavior supports would be the gap that these researchers argue must be better understood if we are to effectively address aggressive behavior across all students.Now, following from this problem and research gap is the purpose of the study, or the purpose statement. The purpose is a very concise statement that basically says, “This is what I’m trying to do here in this study, and here’s how I’m going to do it.” In order to achieve alignment, the purpose must match what has been stated in the problem statement, which is accomplished through use of the same language to describe your variables or phenomena of interest. The purpose statement must also specify the method and design and must use language that “fits” this approach.Using the example of the problem and research gap from above, an appropriate purpose statement might be: “The purpose of this qualitative case study is to explore middle school teachers’ perspectives on underlying causes of continued aggressive behavior in students within schools that use schoolwide positive behavior supports.”Let’s have a look at the key pieces of this purpose statement.So, we have a qualitative case study, the word “explore,” middle school teachers’ perspectives, continued aggressive behavior in students, and schools that use schoolwide positive behavior supports. So, those are all the key pieces of the purpose statement.What you’ll notice here is that this purpose statement specifies an intent to examine the very same problem that is described in the problem statement. This is essential for achieving alignment.Also, the qualitative method is aligned with the problem because we are seeking to understand a phenomenon that is somewhat rare, and that might require perspectives of those who have witnessed this problem first-hand to understand fully. Note also the use of the word “explore” in the purpose statement. This is a deliberate choice of words as qualitative studies are largely exploratory, and aimed at using such exploration to better understand complex processes.The link from the problem to the purpose is essential to establishing an aligned study. We often find that doctoral candidates need some assistance with their dissertations here as the phrasing used in the purpose statement must be extremely concise and yet precisely aligned with each key concept, variable, or phenomenon as presented in the problem statement.This is something that many of our clients struggle with, and if you are also finding yourself struggling to align your problem and purpose, give us a call or send an email to see how we can help you out with this major step in crafting your dissertation. No matter where you attend, we can definitely help you out with alignment.But, we have particularly extensive experience with all of the major online universities, and are very familiar with their formats, review processes, and the types of alignment problems that often arise for individuals at these universities. And, if we help you with establishing alignment in your dissertation, we’ll provide unlimited revisions to our work with no extra charge as needed to obtain approval of your work.Next in the alignment chain are the research questions, which must align with your purpose in terms of the variables or phenomena of interest that you plan to study. You must also use phrasing in these questions that is consistent with the method and design for your study. In the working example I have been using, an appropriate research question might be, “How do middle school teachers working in schools that implement schoolwide positive behavior supports perceive the causes for continued aggression in students in their schools?” Note that this question maintains consistent focus on the perceptions of middle school teachers, that the question specifies that schoolwide positive behavior supports are in place, and continues with the focus on causes for continued aggression in some students.Next is the theoretical framework, which must be appropriate for guiding inquiry and developing research questions that suitably address your problem. It must also fit your study in terms of its applicability for interpreting or explaining the ultimate findings or results of the analysis. In the current example, it would be important to pick a theory that is relevant to student behavior and the causes for different types of behavior. So, picking a theory like Observational Learning Theory or Ecological Systems Theory would work, as these are theories that explain human behavior in terms of different types of social and environmental influences.Aligning the theoretical framework to the purpose statement and RQs can also be a bit tricky for new researchers. Choosing a useful TF requires seeing how the different variables or phenomena of interest in your study might interact with regard to your specific RQs or outcomes of interest; this can sometimes require piecing together existing knowledge on your topic and making a reasonable guess as to the theory or combination of theories that might ultimately be helpful in explaining your findings. Sometimes this process can be quite confusing, especially when you are examining RQs that are unique or groundbreaking. In this case, you might find that you need help reworking this part of your dissertation to identify the most fitting theory or combination of theories to frame your study and interpret its findings.Moving forward, the method and design must be appropriate for examining the specific problem articulated, and for generating knowledge that will truly shed light on the problem as described. As I mentioned previously, the qualitative method would be appropriately aligned to this study because of your aim of exploring a poorly understood phenomenon, which is the continued aggression in certain students in spite of schoolwide positive behavior supports.The case study design is also aligned with this focus, because this design is great for building understanding of complex processes as they naturally occur in specific groups or settings. You can see how exploring teachers’ perceptions of the causes of aggression within certain schools would turn out to be a very complex study, which would be concerned with how the complexities of student behavior unfold on a daily basis within schools that use positive behavior supports. For these reasons, the qualitative case study design is nicely aligned with the overall study.Also, keep in mind that we are unique among data analytics companies in that we also specialize in qualitative research and analysis, so if you are planning a qualitative study and are having problems with alignment, I am 100% sure that we can help you to resolve these problems.To maintain alignment, your data collection procedures must be developed to obtain data of a type that is appropriate given the method and design. Similarly, the data analysis plan must be appropriate given the nature of the data, variables, research design.For a qualitative case study design, you would want to use data collection approaches like interviews, observations, and review of relevant documents. You would want to draw up an analysis plan that identified common themes and facilitated triangulation across your different data sources. If you put together a data collection plan that used quantitative measures, this would result in misalignment, as the data you collected would be numerical rather than text-based.Aligning your methods to your problem, purpose, and research questions is essential for ensuring that the results or findings you ultimately obtain truly address the problem that you have identified. Creating an aligned method requires not just attention to consistent phrasing related to your variables or phenomena of interest, but also a thorough understanding of statistical analysis or qualitative analysis. We often provide dissertation help to clients to develop thorough methods sections that are perfectly aligned with the overall aims of their studies.We have extensive experience with all of the major online universities, and are very familiar with their formats, review processes, and the types of alignment problems that often arise for individuals at these universities. Also, we are the only academic consulting firm that specializes in qualitative research. If you are planning a qualitative study and are having problems with aligning the various components of your qualitative methodology, we can definitely help you out. Also, we provide unlimited revisions to our work with no extra charge as needed to obtain approval of your work.Finally, the significance refers to the potentially positive outcomes of your study, if all goes well. To maintain alignment, your significance of the study section must logically flow from the problem, and cannot overreach the bounds of what is possible to accomplish given the potential findings of the study.Given our running example, an aligned significance section would point out that gaining understanding of teachers’ perceptions of the causes for continued aggression in students within a schoolwide positive behavior support program might be helpful in effectively addressing challenging behavior in students whose behavior is resistant to change.Ensuring that your proposed study is perfectly aligned is important for obtaining approval of your study. But, the reasons for seeking out dissertation help around alignment issues in your proposed study are really much more important than this. If you move forward with collecting your data in a proposed study that is not well aligned, you can run into some serious problems down the road.To help explain the vital importance of alignment in your study, it will be helpful to ask: Why is it a problem if elements of my study are not aligned?If your study is out of alignment, this means that one or more of these key pieces aren’t linked with the pieces around them.There are some pretty serious consequences of moving forward with an improperly aligned study. For one, it could result in collecting data that do not address your problem, or that cannot actually answer your research questions. Also, this could result in conducting data analysis that results in unreliable, invalid, or untrustworthy findings. Lastly, a misaligned study could result in findings that cannot be soundly interpreted within the explanatory theoretical framework for the study.These are clearly problems that no researcher wants to deal with, especially when you are just getting started. This is definitely where a dissertation consultant can come in handy, and if you would like some help with your dissertation proposal or prospectus to resolve alignment problems, give us a call or send an email — we’d love to help you out!

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